Podcast – Page 5 – Man in the Mirror Bible Study

Submit To God’s Role in Your Family

in Reconstructing Manhood

In this series, we have touched on a number of aspects to manhood and marriage and today we would like to double click on what God says about the role of a man in a family. Whether you are married or hope to be married one day, God has given us a challenging yet compelling call to lead our families well and impact those in our homes and beyond.

Join our guest speaker, Pastor Jim Davis of Orlando Grace Church, for a powerful discussion on biblical headship.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Ephesians 5:23, 25
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Pursuing Life-Preserving Friendships

in Reconstructing Manhood

One of God’s greatest and most tangible gifts to us is “foxhole friendship” in the battle of life! Friends who are willing to commit to each other, sacrifice their lives for another, and champion God’s calling on one’s life are invaluable. This kind of friendship takes risk and work but is a worthy investment!ad Fellowship, for a powerful discussion on friendships

Verses referenced in this lesson:
1 Samuel 18:1-5
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Career Guidance for Baristas, Bankers, Fathers, and Friends

in Reconstructing Manhood

An under-employed 28-year-old man confides in you, “I’m bored and restless. What’s the formula for finding work that satisfies?” What do you say?

A hard-working-but-anxious man in his mid-30s asks you, “How can I make more money? I need to earn more money.” What do you say?

A father of pre-teens asks you, “How do I strike the right balance between work and family?” What do you say?

Join Patrick Morley for answers to these and many other questions on the minds of men in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s. The Bible is not thin on answers!

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Ecclesiastes 5:18-19; Proverbs 22:29, James 4:13-15
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

DATING, MARRIAGE & FAMILY: On Being a Baby Daddy

in Reconstructing Manhood

The world often encourages younger men to pursue their own happiness. When it comes to having a family—dating, marriage and fatherhood—there is a general sense of “do what’s best for you.” But what if I told you that the key to happiness in these important areas of a man’s life is not self-care, but sacrifice?

As you tear down the constructs of manhood to get to the root truths, you will discover cleverly disguised lies telling you that you are responsible for your own happiness, women are a means to an end, and kids are an unwanted distraction. But you were not made like that. And you were not made for that.

Join Brett Clemmer as he deconstructs the lies the world tells you about being in relationship with a woman and the costs of having a family, and reconstructs an authentic view of manhood that leads to joy, peace and hope.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Genesis 3:1-12; Ephesians 5:25-26, 6:4; Joshua 4:21; Psalm 78, 103:13; Joel 1:3
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

PURPOSE: You Were Made for This!

in Reconstructing Manhood

What are you willing to give your life to? Not, what would you die for, but rather, what do you live for? Why are you here? The world gives us two rubrics for our purpose: build something—like wealth, reputation, or status; or find happiness—through comfort, affluence, or convenience.

But ultimately, the world’s perspective leads nowhere. It’s like a dog chasing its tail. At the end of your life on earth, your accomplishments and your comfort will not fulfill your true calling.

This world is not all there is. You were made for something bigger. Satisfaction in life—true contentment—only comes when you figure out what God made you for and pursue it with passion and purpose.

Join Brett Clemmer for this exciting next step in Reconstructing Manhood: discovering your purpose.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Gen. 1:28, 2:15; Joshua 1:1-9; 1 Samuel 3:9-10
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

IDENTITY: 5 Things You Get to Say About Yourself

in Reconstructing Manhood

Jeremy Schurke kicked us off in week one with a stirring yet optimistic and hopeful portrait of the troubled road ahead for biblical manhood. Next, we turn our attention to the specific issues that have many men flummoxed, frustrated, anxious, and angry.

First up is your identity. Who are you, really? Join Patrick Morley on a search for our true identity. Together, we’ll get clues to narrow the search, and finish up by making a first draft of our own “THIS IS WHO I AM” t-shirt!

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Genesis 1:26-28, 2:15, 2:18, 2:24; Psalm 8:3-8

Get handouts and transcripts here: https://mimbiblestudy.com/2021/10/07/identity-5-things-you-get-to-say-about-yourself/

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Sleeping Giants: Millennials, Boomers, and the Future of Men in the Church

in Reconstructing Manhood, Speaker Series (2021)

While popular culture exaggerates and exploits what divides the generations, Jeremy Schurke is passionate about bringing the generations together.

As the pioneering leader of Mirror Labs, the R&D arm of Man in the Mirror, Jeremy is in the process of forming an inclusive network of leaders, thinkers, writers, researchers, and donors.

Join Jeremy as he discusses the real problems facing younger men, and a plan to develop fresh solutions that any man can use to disciple future generations.

“Millennials just surpassed Boomers as the largest generation ever and the relational gap between them appears equally as big. Between these two groups of men, the future of the church in America hangs in the balance.”
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Cultivating a Sensitivity to the Voice of the Spirit

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

None of us want to walk around angry, mean, sad, anxious, impatient, unfaithful, snarky, or out of control. But that’s exactly what happens when we’re not in step with the Holy Spirit. Unless and until we fully understand how to stay in step with the Spirit, we will always be overly vulnerable to the voices of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Join Patrick Morley and learn how you can cultivate a more personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, carry on a conversation with Him, and better understand how to integrate His voice into the details of your life. Who says men can’t be sensitive!

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Galatians 5:13-26

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Hope and Trust in a World of Conflict

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

Are you worried about what will happen in the days and weeks ahead. Are you struggling to make decisions about masks, vaccinations, school or your job? Does the world just seem a little overwhelming right now with wars, pandemics, and politics.

The gospel shows a way of peace and calm in turbulent times. Join Brett Clemmer as he talks about finding hope in difficulty, and peace in conflict. We’ll look at Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount on anxiety, hope, trust, and a loving Father.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 6:25-34; 7:7-11

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Christianity Is Not Multi-Level Marketing

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

One of the most famous speeches ever given is found at the end of Matthew. “Go and make disciples…” it begins, and Christians and churches have been trying to follow this “Great Commission” ever since.

But perhaps we’ve gotten a little bit off track. As core as “making disciples” is to the teachings of Jesus, this idea of making disciples who make disciples has started to take hold. So here’s the question: is the purpose of the Christian life just to make more disciple-makers? If it is, that’s not the gospel; it’s multi-level marketing.

Join Brett Clemmer as he explores the Great Commission and goes “beyond the numbers” to look at the deeper implications of discipleship as Jesus taught us. The conversation will be rich and the impact could be deep in your lives.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 28:18-20

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

The Mystery of the Holy Spirit Revealed

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

Every follower of Jesus became a believer through the work of the Holy Spirit. Our bodies are His temple. He is charged to take care of us.

Yet many of us don’t walk in the power of the Spirit because of misconceptions. In some cases, what you learned created doubts and suspicion—and made you pull back. But you know, or suspect, that you’re missing out on the best of what God has to offer in this life.

Join Patrick Morley and let’s clear up any confusion, or remaining confusion, about who the Holy Spirit is, what He does for you, and what you can do for Him.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
John 14:15-17, 26

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

How to Forgive Anyone for Anything

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

When we feel like we’ve been wronged we all tend to lash out, withdraw, or both. And then we hurt the ones we care about the most. If unresolved, our psychological and spiritual wounds deepen. Emotional calluses and grudges develop. We become bitter, suspicious, distrusting, and it slowly begins to infect other relationships too—especially with God.

If not addressed head on, you will become prickly, start thinking about irreconcilable differences, develop physical ailments, become trapped in the mind of a child, form permanent scars, and end up a grumpy young man.

Join Patrick Morley to explore the glue in the gears of healthy relationships, Jesus’ core teaching on putting relationships right, and how you can reverse the excruciating pain of broken relationships with six heartfelt words.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 18:21-35
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

The Portrait of a Faithful Man

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

What would you do if God dropped $10,000,000 in your lap? In this lesson we’re going to look at Jesus’ core teaching that addresses that exact question.

You want to be successful. Every man does. Join Patrick Morley and learn or be reminded how God defines success. Let yourself be challenged to see the “bags of gold” God has already entrusted to you. See what faithfulness looks like in action. Settle how you want to live so you can one day hear Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We’ll see you in the morning. It’s going to be a great day!

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 25:14-30

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

When You Pray…

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

In the middle of the main sermon of the core teachings of Jesus, He suddenly pivots to prayer motivations. In Matthew 6:5-8, Jesus highlights some dos—and don’ts—for how we are to pray as children of God.

Prayer, at its core, is simple communion with our Father in Heaven. Join Jeremy Schurke as we discuss how to do this well—understanding the reason we pray, which types of prayer to engage, and the One receiving them.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 6:5-8

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Adopting the Mindset of Serving Others

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

In training His twelve disciples, no theme is more prominent than how Jesus helped his followers work through their vanity, pride, and arguments about which of them was the greatest. As we will see in this lesson, that’s easier said than done!

A major core teaching of Jesus is how you can transition from the worldly value of wanting to be a somebody to the kingdom value of serving others. Join Patrick Morley as we look at the example of Jesus, his teaching, and practical ways of “washing feet” in today’s culture.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
John 13:3-17

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Answers to Your Questions About Suffering

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

The world is awash in suffering: affliction, disease, death, hatred, war, anguish, trouble, sin, and tribulation of every kind. We all feel the weight of suffering’s emotions—distress, grief, sadness, anxiety, depression, worry, pain, and sorrow. Suffering is inevitable.

Where are you suffering right now? For you it could be a broken relationship, a family issue, your health, the health of someone you love, financial problems, a traumatic event, the death of a loved one, a longing unfulfilled, long term depression, a handicap, or an ache for someone to know Jesus. It might be something self-inflicted, or maybe you’re suffering because of someone else’s mistake, poor judgement, or moral failure. Perhaps you’re being persecuted or hated because of your faith. Maybe it’s the pressure of a new job, business, marriage, or child—or some combination of those things.

Join Patrick Morley for another core teaching of Jesus on the questions raised by suffering. Come fill your head with answers and your heart with courage.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
John 16:33

Additional handout can be found here: https://mimbiblestudy.com/2021/07/29/answers-to-your-questions-about-suffering/

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Making Decisions That Reflect God’s Will

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

Who wouldn’t love to see God’s will plainly spelled out for every decision? That’s not always possible, of course, but what if it’s easier than you think for most decisions?

In this core teaching of Jesus, Patrick Morley will show you God’s way to discover His will. Learn how Jesus wants you to approach decisions and align your desires with God’s will. Join us and learn, or be reminded, of that part of God’s will that’s already been settled and get equipped to find His will for the things you want that have not already been settled.

You can have confidence about the will of God!

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 26:39-43

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

How You Can Love Someone Who Doesn’t Deserve It

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

We all know we’re supposed to love one another. But how do you love someone when they don’t love you back, repeatedly manipulate or abuse you, consistently underperform, constantly put pressure on you, don’t respect boundaries, take advantage of your kindness, are negative and cranky, or repeatedly let you down? We all have people like that—that’s for sure!

Join Patrick Morley and learn, or be reminded of, Jesus’ core teaching about loving people—especially when they don’t deserve it, why it matters, how you can rehabilitate broken relationships, and how to manage relationships that cannot at this time be repaired.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
John 13:34-35
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

The Relationship Is More Important Than the Task

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

Do you have a hard time carving out time to spend with God? Maybe you have an all-consuming job. Maybe you’re ambitious and don’t feel like you can afford to take the time. Perhaps you have a lot of people depending on you. You might not be convinced it will make that much difference in your life. Maybe you get distracted by life’s worries. Or, possibly, you’ve never really learned how to spend time with God.

Join Patrick Morley as he helps you distinguish between opportunities and distractions, and understand the difference between striving to serve God and abiding with God.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Luke 10:38-42

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

The Most Important Thing

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

One day Jesus was asked (in so many words), “Teacher, what’s the most important thing a man can do in his relationship with God?” Freeze frame. At that moment, Jesus knew He needed to answer carefully—the next words out of His mouth would be written down and repeated for thousands of years! He knew whatever He pronounced as “the most important thing” would become the organizing principle for the billions of people who would eventually call Him Lord.

Join Patrick Morley and let’s sort out why loving God is the most important thing you can do, how God wants to be loved, why it seems overwhelming, and what makes it possible. Grab some guys and watch or listen as a group. There is strength in numbers!

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 22:36-38

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Quarterly Speaker Series Presents… Kris Den Besten

in Speaker Series (2021)

Is there a barrier between your work and your faith? Not for Kris Den Besten. Kris is passionate about empowering marketplace leaders to thrive and live lives of significance through biblical principles. He is also the author of Shine: A Vision for Life and Work That Impacts Eternity. And as the Chairman of Vermeer Southeast, a construction equipment business headquartered in Orlando, he lives it out every day.

Join Kris as he shares how faith has changed his life and impacted his business success, as well as the obstacles that he would not have gotten through without God’s help. Grab some guys, watch the video, and then gather in person or online to discuss the questions. There is strength in numbers!
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: https://mimbiblestudy.com/give​

Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

An Ache for the Harvest

in The Core Teachings of Jesus

This week we kick off a new 12-part series to look at the core teachings of Jesus. We’re going to explore 12 compelling problems that we all feel deeply, what Jesus teaches about how to solve them, and ways for each of us to respond.

We’ll begin with a core teaching about the mission. Today’s text starts with Jesus looking at crowds of people who have come out to hear his teaching. What did He see when He saw them? And of all the things Jesus could have said, why did He say what comes next?

Join Patrick Morley and let’s identify what’s going on below the surface, why it matters, what’s at stake, what holds men back, and what we can do about it.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Matthew 9:36-38
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: https://mimbiblestudy.com/give​

Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Why Did Paul Save This Warning for the End?

in ROMANS 12-16: Putting Your Faith Into Action

Paul has laid out his understanding of the gospel and highlighted the themes that dominate the church even today: the centrality of the cross; the freedom from slavery to sin that the law cannot bring; and the availability of the gospel to all, Jew and Gentile.

Now he has come to the end of his letter. After greeting his friends and colleagues in Rome, but before he signs off, Paul issues one last warning. It’s more than an afterthought, it’s a warning that was timely then, and just as timely today.

Join Brett Clemmer as we look at Paul’s conclusion to this epic letter, and the warning and blessing from Paul to his brothers and sisters in Rome.

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Romans 16:17-27
Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

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Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​

Give People a Reason to Get Out of Bed

in ROMANS 12-16: Putting Your Faith Into Action

As Paul was finishing up writing what has been called “the entire future of Christian theology,” why did he devote so much real estate to recognizing almost 30 people by name? Who were they, and why does it matter? Was that just a detour, or is there a deeper message for us?

Join Patrick Morley and find out who they were, why Paul’s acknowledgements mattered then and now, and be inspired to immerse yourself in the dignity of giving and receiving recognition

Verses referenced in this lesson:
Romans 16:1-16

Find more information, transcripts, Bible studies near you, and more at https://mimbiblestudy.com​

Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: https://mimbiblestudy.com/give​

Learn more about Man in the Mirror at http://maninthemirror.org​
