All posts by: Man in the Mirror Team

Session 1: Identity – Setting Who I Am and What My Life Is About [Patrick Morley]

in The Christian Man (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis Colossians 2:8, 1 Samuel 16:7, 1 John 2:15-17 Have you had your identity stolen? It creates a huge inconvenience, doesn’t it? Or worse! Every day Christian men get scammed, phished and hacked by the world, the flesh, and the devil to steal—or at least compromise—our identities. In this first lesson of a new series, [...]

Why The Cross? [Brett Clemmer]

in Special Messages (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis John 19:30; 1 Corinthians 2:2; Colossians 2:13-14 The point of Christianity is not proper ethics or treating people with kindness. It’s not about feeding the poor or healing the sick. Christianity is about the cross. The cross is where God incarnate humbled himself, paying a debt he didn’t owe for people who didn’t deserve [...]

Becoming a Band of Brothers With a BHAG [Patrick Morley]

in Jesus Unfiltered (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis John 4:31-37, Luke 10:2-3, Matthew 9:35-38 Do you have strong bonds with other men? They could be built around children’s activities, hunting, fishing, football, motorcycles, golf, work, politics, photography, stamps, a men’s Bible study group, or one of many other options. Patrick Morley explains that he has only ever been able to find one [...]

Jesus is the Headliner [Brett Clemmer]

in Jesus Unfiltered (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis John 3:22-36; Genesis 24:27,34; 1 Cor. 4:17 John the Baptist’s disciples had a problem. Their boss was getting quite a lot of notoriety with his powerful message. Wherever he went, crowds gathered to listen to him challenge them to repent of their sins and look for the Messiah. But now, Jesus was beginning to [...]

Jesus Knows You [Brett Clemmer]

in Jesus Unfiltered (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis John 2:18-25; 1:12, 6:64, 7:3-5, 16:30, 21:15-17 How many people really know you? Most of us are careful about what we let other people know about us. Whether we are afraid of what they would think of us if they knew certain things, or might even use it against us, men in particular tend [...]

Can We Believe in Miracles [Patrick Morley]

in Jesus Unfiltered (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: Miracles release faith, so boldly explain them—don’t explain them away. John 2:1-11 Many consider the miracles charming, antiquated myths. In fact, you yourself may find them somewhat embarrassing, or feel a need to explain them away. But without miracles—the virgin birth, the resurrection, walking on water, and turning water to wine—what’s [...]

What Do You Want? [Patrick Morley]

in Jesus Unfiltered (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: I would rather die for a worthy cause than live for no reason. John 1:29-51, Philippians 1:29 Imagine bumping into the President of the United States (or Bono or Billy Graham) on the sidewalk. You start to follow him. Seeing your curiosity, he asks, “What do you want?” That’s exactly what [...]

Who is Jesus Christ? [Patrick Morley]

in Jesus Unfiltered (2018)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: The best person to answer questions about Jesus is Jesus. John 1:1-14, Colossians 1:15, 2:9, Hebrews 1:3, John 10:30, 14:6, 9 Jesus Christ is easily the most interesting, unique, revered, admired, worshiped, misunderstood, disrespected, ridiculed, and talked about man of all time. What we know about Jesus dwarfs what we know [...]