All posts by: Man in the Mirror Team

What to Pray in Times of Trouble

in Walking With God In A Pandemic (2020)

Luke 22:39-46; Psalm 34:4-8,18

What should you pray for when you’re afraid of the future? Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane shows us what Jesus prayed when he was afraid. On his way to the cross, Jesus had an agonizing time of prayer. He brought his disciples along and, knowing what was to come, pleaded for release while affirming his commitment to obeying his Father.

Are you afraid for your future? Sickness, concern for loved ones, job loss, financial difficulties…we are all facing difficult times. Join Brett Clemmer as we learn from Jesus what to pray for when the future seems frightening. And rest in the peace of a loving God who is close to us and saves us in the darkest times.

For handouts, transcripts and more:

Here’s Some Courage for the Next Few Months

in Walking With God In A Pandemic (2020)

Joshua 1:1-9

The next few months are going to be hard. Even if you’re personally in good shape, you’re still going to be caught up in a lot of hardship and disaster until, with God’s help, we conquer this pandemic. Whether you’re just trying to survive or hoping to thrive, it’s going to take courage to work through the next few months.

Courage is “the quality or state of mind or spirit that enables one to face hardship or disaster with confidence and resolution.” We all want that, right? Here’s the question: Will you have enough courage for the difficult tasks that lie ahead? In this lesson, Patrick Morley explains God’s desire and plan to equip you with a deep, unwavering courage to face the next few months.

Handouts and other downloads available at

How You Can Conquer Coronavirus Worry

in Walking With God In A Pandemic (2020)

Matthew 6:25-34

People are worried. And why wouldn’t they be? Like a granite fist from the heavens, the coronavirus has delivered a staggering gut punch to the entire world.

“Stay at home until further notice.”
“Work from home, and school your children while you’re there.”
“I’m sorry but we have to let you go.”
“I don’t have enough money to pay my bills.”
“We need your rent now—we have bills too and a mortgage to pay.”
“You tested positive.”
“You’re being admitted.”

Jesus has something to say about all this. Join us. We’re going to look at some of the most comforting words ever spoken from the most famous sermon ever preached by the most famous person who ever lived.

Transcript and handout at

When It Seems Like Jesus Shows Up Too Late

in Walking With God In A Pandemic (2020)

John 11

Your brother, Lazarus, is sick and dying. Your sister, Mary, is emotional. You’re just trying to hold it together. And the one person you are CONVINCED can solve the problem, the healer, seems to be taking his sweet time getting there. And then…it’s too late.

Have you had times in your life when you’ve prayed so earnestly for God to intervene and it seemed like he left you to handle it on your own? As we are surrounded by all that COVID-19 brings–illness, death, economic hardship and uncertainty–where is God? Why would he let this happen? Doesn’t He care that hospitals are full, health care professionals are overloaded, people are losing their jobs? Why won’t He–or why can’t He–just heal us right now? What is He waiting for???

Here’s the promise: Jesus is here in the perfect time with the perfect solution. He loves us deeply. He grieves when we grieve and rejoices when we rejoice. No other God is like our God. But still…sometimes you just wish he’d make himself known just a little bit sooner.

Join Man in the Mirror president, Brett Clemmer, as he kicks off our series, Walking with God in a Pandemic. It’s going to be a great—but still perhaps a difficult—day.

How Are Your Finances Shaping Your Heart?

in Guest Speakers (2020)

Luke 12:13-21

Jesus knew that how we think about money shapes our character. Our approach can make us more like him—full of contentment, purpose, and freedom—or it can cause a tragic separation from God and the joy he offers.  Jesus invites us to experience four transformations in our financial lives, moving from

>pride to gratitude so that we see everything as a gift;
>coveting to contentment so that we spend wisely;
>anxiety to trust so that we save appropriately; and
>indifference to love so that we give extravagantly.

Join guest teacher John Cortines, COO of Generous Giving, as we consider how our approach to our finances compares with what Jesus teaches.

The Faith of Moses: What You Can Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

in A Deeper Walk With God (2019)

You really have no idea what you should do next. You are out of options. The walls are closing in. There’s nowhere left to turn. This is what the brink of destruction feels like. You’re sure that unless God Himself supernaturally intervenes with an overwhelming display of His power and glory, you’re toast. What if, in your worldview, you trusted that that’s exactly what will God do? Patrick Morley’s goal in this message is to get you to, or back to, that state of mind and heart in which you are absolutely convinced that you can trust God to supernaturally intervene in your life.

Embracing a Spirit of Forgiveness

in A Deeper Walk With God (2019)

Who do you need to forgive? And just to be clear—they wouldn’t need forgiveness if they hadn’t done something wrong. How does that happen? Also, for what do you need to be forgiven, and by whom? And how does that happen? In this lesson you will learn or refresh your memory about how a spirit of forgiveness can deepen your walk with God. We’ll look at what happens when we don’t forgive, then work through the specifics of forgiving and being forgiven. Join Patrick Morley and get free of any unforgiveness that has been holding you back.

A Definitive Guide for Finding God’s Will

in A Deeper Walk With God (2019)

What is the major decision that has you stumped? We all want to know God’s will. Obviously. What if I told you that you can concretely know God’s will on every occasion? Does that sound like too big of a promise? Join us tomorrow morning and find out! You will leave with a “Chart Explaining God’s Will” and seven means of guidance to help you find God’s will for anything not already decreed or prescribed by him.

The Christian Man Recap: A Call to Action

in The Christian Man (2019)

What an incredible series The Christian Man has been! We’ve looked together at 10 critical issues in the life of a disciple of Jesus Christ—or someone who wants to be a disciple. Which issue resonates the most with you? What changes will you make in your life? How does your view of manhood change when you examine it from the Bible’s—rather than the world’s—perspective?

Having Authentic Spiritual Conversations with My Friends

in The Christian Man (2019)

Every man knows he should share his faith with others who do not know Christ. So what’s the problem? It’s intimidating. As one man said, “Sharing my faith scares me.” But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t weigh on him. That’s why he and other men want to know, “How can I acquire boldness in spreading the word of God? What are some practical ways I can share my faith at work? What is a great way to break the ice with people I don’t work with?” Join Patrick Morley as we seek a deeper understanding of our audience and the times in which we live, ourselves and our mission, and how you can “bear much fruit.”

The Role of a Christian Man in Our Current Culture

in The Christian Man (2019)

What are the cultural issues important to you? I know you care deeply about these and other issues, but what can you do? You’re just one man. Join us as we use the stance of Jesus toward culture as a template to understand how we can make a difference in the world. In this lesson you will learn how you can find some unredeemed corner of culture and claim or reclaim it for the glory of Christ—or be affirmed where you’re already serving.

How Should I Think About My Work?

in The Christian Man (2019)

Do you enjoy your work? Men are created to work. The Bible teaches that nothing is more normal than to find satisfaction in your work. Truly, there is no greater feeling than to believe, “This is what I’m supposed to be doing, right here, right now—even if it’s hard.” But for that to happen, you need a correct “theology of work.” In this lesson Patrick Morley is going to explore where that feeling of satisfaction comes from, how you get it, and what you can do if you don’t have it.

Finding and Keeping Godly Friends

in The Christian Man (2019)

We are made for relationships. A godly friendship can change everything. There is a peculiar math to friendship: shared joys are doubled, and shared sorrows are halved. Do you have a close godly friend or two? A brother who will come running if you call for help? Who will look you in the eye and tell you the truth? Join Brett Clemmer as we talk about the impact of brothers on a man’s life.

Mentoring Recap: Next Step Triple Threat

in Mentoring Recap: Men Reaching Men

The Big Idea: Be a friend. Pray. Serve. Give.

The challenge in the previous message, “How a Cup of Coffee Can Change the World”, was to begin the process of engaging another man in conversation and begin to get to know him.
Great. Now what?
Introducing the Next Step Triple Threat. Like the great “Read Option” offense that Tim Tebow ran as a Heisman-winning college quarterback, the Next Step Triple Threat gives you three options to pick from to continue to grow an intentional spiritual friendship with another man.

Mentoring Recap: Getting a Man to Say Yes

in Mentoring Recap: Men Reaching Men

So how exactly do men develop relationships? We tend to bond in shared experiences (verses shared conversations), and there’s a definite progression. You can see it in the way that Jesus built a seemingly random group of strangers into a band of brothers ready to die for their cause. You’ll gain some new insights and tools as we look at God’s Word together and see how Jesus himself built intentional spiritual friendships.
