Tag Archives: Brett Clemmer

Spending Money God’s Way

in Money and the Man in the Mirror (2016)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: If your priorities don’t determine your spending habits, your spending habits will determine your priorities. Money causes stress. When you don’t have a handle on your finances, it makes the rest of life more difficult. Most men have had trouble at some point falling asleep with thoughts of bills, debts, saving [...]

The Gospel Shaped Life [Brett Clemmer]

in Special Messages (2015)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: The hallmarks of a gospel shaped life are love and truth. In Paul’s letter to his protégé Timothy, he starts off the letter exhorting Timothy to have a talk with “certain people.” Who were those people? They were people who were adding something to the Gospel. The Gospel plus anything else [...]

Why SHOULD I Go To Church?

in Special Messages (2013)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: Church was made for you, and you were made for the church. Have you ever woken up on a Sunday and thought, “I really don’t feel like going to church today.”? We all have. And when we talk to guys about why they don’t attend church, many say it’s boring or [...]