If kingdom transformation is not your primary passion, then you are knowing the wrong thing.
Of all the forces that can be resisted, the most difficult to resist is love.
Jesus can supernaturally rescue me at any time – and often does – but, if not, his reasons can be trusted.
The more I fear for the end, the more motivated I am for the present.
The kingdom of heaven resolves every yearning of the human heart.
True Friends Help Each Other Passionately Pursue the Glory of Christ
The only building worth building is God’s building.
God is sovereignly orchestrating all human events to bring us into right relationship with Him and right relationship with one another
Step 1: Experience Christ’s love; Step 2: Love others; Step 3: Repeat
A disciple grows to maturity through patient submission to God’s calling, equipping, and sending.
To be a disciple of Jesus is the highest honor to which a human being can aspire.
To be part of Christ’s family is to be a disciple doing the will of God.