Where will you set the boundaries that allow you to rest and remember how good and great is our God?
The christians secret of a happy life is to love out of the overflow of Jesus loving us.
Courage equals faith times purpose. The focus of your faith and the power of your purpose.
Gods designated way to stand firm is to build on the soild rock of his words.
Constant vigilance requires consistent communication with God.
To really be part of the solution take another man unnder your wing and show him the ropes.
Even if you do give up on Jesus, he will never give up on you.
Figure out what makes your heart beat fast and puts a smile on your fface and then do that.
Speak to your wife with the same KCFR youu would use with a coworker.
The goal of parenting and mentoring is to develop Godly adults not well behaved children.
If you can’t do your job with your whole heart, you need a new theology or a new job.
No Matter what someone has done you can and should forgive them right now.
Inaction is a sin. Fear is an excuse. Blame is a cover.