Tag Archives: Psalm 139:23-24

Leading a Secret Thought Life

in The Man in the Mirror (2014)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: I will make it my ambition to live “one life, one way.” Most of us would be embarrassed if our families, friends, or colleagues knew what went on inside our heads. Here's the good news: You're not crazy. A secret thought life is normal. However, you can live your "invisible" life [...]

Leading an Unexamined Life

in The Man in the Mirror (2014)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: It is for a lack of discipleship that men lead unexamined lives. We all want the same things--something we can give our lives to that will make a difference, someone to share our lives with, and a belief system that makes sense of why life is so hard. Christianity and secularism [...]