Tag Archives: Man in the Mirror Bible Study

The Principle of Spiritual Growth

in How God Makes Men Part 2 (2014)

The Big Idea: The spiritual disciplines are what differentiate men who are growing from those who are not.

Every one of us wants to grow and become spiritually mature. So why do some men thrive while others become stagnant? And why do we often feel like an invisible force is trying to hold us back? In this lesson we’re going to shine a light on what that’s all about, and what you can do about it. The good news is that no matter how much or little you know about the Christian life, you can accelerate your growth! Join us and find out the one thing that can most accelerate your spiritual growth.

The Principle of Discerning God’s Will

in How God Makes Men Part 2 (2014)

The Big Idea: Don’t assume you’ve missed God’s will just because it’s hard.

Do you have a major issue or decision that keeps you up at night? Maybe you know what to do. But what if you’re not so sure–even confused? Is there a way to be sure? There is. And that’s what we’re going to talk about in this lesson. Join us as we discuss how you can be sure you are making the right decision–even when it appears to be turning out badly.

The Principle of the Power of the Holy Spirit

in How God Makes Men Part 2 (2014)

The Big Idea: To walk in the power of the Holy Spirit is the one thing that will most accelerate the fulfillment of your mission.

Do you sense God calling you to a great mission? If so, you’ve no doubt found yourself feeling compelled to act, yet not always sure about what comes next. Sometimes you may even feel like you’re being blocked. If you’re not seeing the traction you want–or even if you are, what one thing can most accelerate the fulfillment of your mission? Hint: It’s not something you do for God, but something God does for you.

Jesus: The Principle of Building Relationships

in How God Makes Men Part 2 (2014)

The Big Idea: The most powerful force in the world is a relationship. Men will do for love what they will do for no other reason.

Jesus understood that the most powerful force in the world is a relationship. He made building unbreakable bonds with a few men the core of His strategy. It was effective. Just hours before the crucifixion, “Peter insisted emphatically, ‘Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.’ And all the others said the same” (Mark 14:31). That’s because men will do for love what they will do for no other reason. In this lesson we look at the emphasis Jesus put on relationships, the power of relationships today, and a few ways we can build healthy relationships.

Daniel: The Principle of Uncompromising Character

in How God Makes Men Part 2 (2014)

The Big Idea: Godly character doesn’t come from “obeying the rules,” but out of the overflow of a faith-filled heart.

No man had a more uncompromising character than Daniel. What kind of character do you have? Are you, like Daniel, known for godly character? If so, how will you stay faithful? Or has your character been compromised? If so, God has some very good news for you. You can become a man of uncompromising character–no matter what you’ve done in the past. Your future can be what you want it to be. Join us and learn how you can rehabilitate your character or, said better, how God provides for all men to have the kind of uncompromising, godly character that we see in the life of Daniel.

Joshua: The Principle of Mission Success

in How God Makes Men Part 2 (2014)

The Big Idea: God will not give you a mission without also equipping you with everything you need succeed.

If God has ever called you to a great (or small) mission, then you know the ecstasy of getting started and the astonishment of finding out how hard it is to follow through. You feel like maybe you misheard. “How could this be so difficult if God is in it?” You may even feel like giving up. But if God is in it, then you are right where you’re supposed to be. Never has a man been given a more daunting mission than Joshua. The sheer scope of it must have been overwhelming: the conquest of the promised land.

David: The Principle of Correction

in How God Makes Men (2013)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: God makes men by doing whatever it takes to correct and restore us when we go astray. Suppose your son knows he shouldn't hit his sister, but hits her anyway and, when confronted, says, "I'm sorry." You will immediately forgive him, right? Of course. But is that the end of it? [...]

Peter: The Principle of Making Disciples

in How God Makes Men (2013)
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: God makes men by a process of calling, equipping, and sending us so we can call, equip, and send others. We all know the problems--divorce, fatherlessness, domestic abuse, the explosion of pornography, racism, metal detectors in schools, rampage shootings, Wall Street corruption, apathy, the normalization of sin on TV, and poverty, [...]
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