Tag Archives: 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Mentoring Recap: Getting a Man to Say Yes

in Mentoring Recap: Men Reaching Men

So how exactly do men develop relationships? We tend to bond in shared experiences (verses shared conversations), and there’s a definite progression. You can see it in the way that Jesus built a seemingly random group of strangers into a band of brothers ready to die for their cause. You’ll gain some new insights and tools as we look at God’s Word together and see how Jesus himself built intentional spiritual friendships.

Getting a Man to Say Yes

in Men Reaching Men

The Big Idea: An intentional spiritual friendship is built over time. It’s a relationship, not a transaction.

So how exactly do men develop relationships? We tend to bond in shared experiences (verses shared conversations), and there’s a definite progression. You can see it in the way that Jesus built a seemingly random group of strangers into a band of brothers ready to die for their cause. It’s been an amazing few weeks of learning how we can engage men in discipleship! You’ll gain some new insights and tools tomorrow as we look at God’s Word together and see how Jesus himself built intentional spiritual friendships.
