Small beautiful things you can do for Jesus.
Since no encounter is ever random, no good deed is ever wasted.
Since no encounter is ever random, no good deed is ever wasted.
God makes men by turning what breaks our heart into a passionate calling to help redeem some broken part of the world.
God makes men by allowing us to gain through suffering what can be gained no other way.
God makes men by making it impossible to find lasting happiness in any pursuit apart from Him.
God makes men by turning our weakness into strength in such a way that only He can get the glory.
God makes men by taking us through a humbling process that fundamentally changes the way we think.
God makes men by orchestrating even the toughest curcumstances of our lives for a greater good.
God makes men by igniting and sustaining a passion within us to love and serve Jesus.
God makes men by doing whatever it takes to correct and restore us when we stray.
God makes men by a process of calling, equipping, and sending us so we can callm equip, and send others.
God makes men by showing us how we can believe Him anyway in the face of what seem like impossible circumstances.
A man will feel most happy, most alive, and most useful once he learns how to do what disciples do: abide, love, and serve.
The bar for eveangelism is quite low. Evangelism is simply taking someone as far as they want to go toward Jesus.
Making disciples is God’s designated way to release the power of the gospel on every problem facing our city.
A city of disciples must first be a city of disciple-makers.
Anything less than a plan to disciple every willing man is a catastrophic moral failure.
Aservant isn’t thinking, “What do I want?” He’s asking, “What does he Master need?”
What is my agenda? What is God’s agenda? Are we working on the same agenda?
Suffering compels us to seek the mercy that success make us think we don’t need.