SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: You don’t have to give a large amount to give a lot. It's pretty obvious that a $10,000 donation will pay for more charitable needs that a $100 donation. So does that make the $10,000 donor more generous, valuable, pleasing, or righteous in God's eyes? You may be surprised--or not--to learn [...]
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: Why be surprised that everything is happening just like Jesus said it would? Here's a surprisingly relevant topic. Are we living in the last days? Can we know for sure? If so, then what should we expect to happen? When will the end come? And how should we live in the [...]
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: If God puts a man in your path who is stuck, discipleship means finding out why and then helping him solve that problem. You can see them sitting next to you at any traffic light in America. The pace has numbed their senses. They don't get enough rest. They're always on [...]
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: God calls us to be faithful, not successful. Who doesn't want to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant." But what does it look like to be a faithful man in this day and age? Join us and find out why the "if you really love God, you need to prove [...]
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: What does it say about us if we don’t help a person in need when it is in our power to act? Imagine how the world would respond if every Christian man fully lived out his faith in Jesus simultaneously for the next 30 days. The results would be nothing short [...]
SynopsisTranscriptDownloadsSynopsis The Big Idea: Once we have believed in Christ, we can never fall so far that God will not restore us. Judas. The man who betrayed Jesus. He had in his generation what Osama has in ours: the most despised name on earth. No parent today would ever name a son Judas. It just [...]